Operation dumbo drop
Operation dumbo drop

  1. #Operation dumbo drop movie#
  2. #Operation dumbo drop license#

Tempting Fate: After Farley accidentally crushes the second tranq pill, Poole figures the first one will still last another hour-and then Bo Tat's trunk starts moving.Squick: In-Universe-Linh's reaction to Doyle performing the aforementioned Ass Shove: "You weird.".let's just say that nothing that these guys do ever goes according to plan despite how simple it sounded on paper. Then the mission gets shut down because of bean-counters. Then the Viet-Cong patrols start escalating. A Simple Plan: The main plan: roll to the town with Bo Tat.Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After the flatbed truck breaks down, Poole, fed up, tries to walk out on the rest of them.Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: The reason they wind up dropping the elephant out of a plane is because it is the right thing despite their superiors telling them not to bother.

#Operation dumbo drop movie#

  • Rule of Funny: A lot of stuff in this movie only works because the movie is a comedy.
  • Rock–Paper–Scissors: Cahill and Doyle use a variation to decide things like who's in charge of the op, or who gets to shove tranq pills up Bo Tat's ass.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: A straight example found in the hot-headed Doyle and the much-calmer Cahill.
  • who's a short-timer about to go home, and certain he's going to bite the big one right before he does, but ultimately averted. Quang: I did not join this army to shoot elephants, especially ones that fly. Quang, who was ordered to shoot the first elephant but never wanted to.
  • Pet the Dog: The bad guys get Bo Tat in their gunsights.
  • This helps set up his Big Damn Heroes moment.
  • Parachute in a Tree: After everyone else lands safely in the village, H.A.
  • operation dumbo drop

  • Operation: : "Dumbo Drop" in this case because they're dropping a "flying" elephant.
  • Omniglot: Cahill can speak French and several Vietnamese native tongues.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Mention is made of General "Kill 'em all and let God sort it out" Richardson.
  • Poole's down with it, as are Farley and H.A.
  • Misfit Mobilization Moment: after hearing that their mission has been cancelled, Cahill decides to steal a vehicle and deliver Linh and Bo Tat anyway.
  • A Minor Kidroduction: We first see Linh as a noticeably younger kid than he is in the rest of the movie.
  • (over radio): "Yeah, this is Hotel Alpha, who is this?" How else do you think he became an orphan in Vietnam during the war? Then it's revealed he had to watch his father get shot in front of his eyes. At first, being an orphan seems like the simple reason he gets to go on all sorts of exciting adventures with the team.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Deconstructed with Linh.
  • The movie is about the delivery of an Asian elephant.
  • Covers Always Lie: The poster depicts an African elephant in camouflage depicted as going to war.
  • operation dumbo drop

    He ends up using them-or, at least, he tries to, with less-than-ideal results.

    operation dumbo drop

  • Chekhov's Lecture: Linh teaches Farley the basic commands for Bo Tat.
  • Quang's reluctance at the start of the film is crucial near the end. He and Cahill get into a brief fight over Just Following Orders.
  • By-the-Book Cop: Doyle is a by-the-book Green Beret.
  • Poole: "You really enjoyed that, didn't you, Doyle?"
  • Brick Joke: Courtesy of the aforementioned tranq pills:ĭoyle: "Poole! Any more of that water buffalo tranquilizer?".
  • is scared shitless he's gonna die, especially as he's a "short-timer" (see Retirony below) and so very close to making it out of the war alive.
  • Blackmail: Cahill gets Poole to come along by threatening to tell a General Ripper type that Poole had sex with his wife.
  • saving the team from the Vietcong at the end.
  • Bad Butt: The setting of the Vietnam War combined with the fact that this was a PG-rated Disney movie lead to a lot of fights in which the soldiers shoot their guns into the air to distract the Vietcong, then incapacitate them with judo throws.
  • A-Team Montage: The Squad prepping for the final leg of the mission.
  • Ass Shove: The pills to tranquilize the elephant aren't taken orally.
  • Of course, he turns out fine without a single scratch.

    #Operation dumbo drop license#

    Artistic License – Physics: It's likely that Doyle trying to open Bo Tat's parachute during the climax the way he did, by wrapping the parachute cord around his arm, and then pulling his own open to yank it upwards, would have dislocated his shoulder at best and ripped his arm right out of its socket at worst.

    Operation dumbo drop